Supply of supports and auxiliary steel structures for the construction of a cogeneration unit of EL-TO Zagreb (Croatia)

We completed the production of supports and auxiliary steel structures needed for the construction of a new cogeneration unit of the EL-TO CCPP in Zagreb, Croatia.

The highly efficient combined cogeneration unit with an electrical output of 150 MWe and a thermal output of 114 MWt will be a pillar of the reliable electricity and heat supply od the city. The main works were started in December 2019, three years will be an expected construction period.

EL-TO CCPP in Zagreb, Croatia
EL-TO CCPP in Zagreb, Croatia

In line with the energy efficiency guidelines, which are an integral part of strategic energy documents of the EU and Republic of Croatia , the new combined cogeneration unit will have exceptionally high primary energy savings. The heat production plant will be powered exclusively by gas, it means that significantly less specific CO2 emissions per kWh of energy will be produced compared to the current situation at the locality.